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Our block producing performance is the most important thing we concentrate on

And why no pool can ever claim a 100% block production rate

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Our block production since the launch of Shelley has been almost flawless. An almost 98% to 99% collection rate.

Any pool that advertises 100% block production will just be misleading in their advertising. That is, at least, for any pool that has produced 100 blocks or more.

Even the pools run by IOHK/IOG cannot guarantee 100% block production from their assigned allotments! For example, one of the reasons why no pool can run a 100% block production rate according to their scheduled block allotments is the matter of slot battles (a theme I wrote an exhaustive article about on

So, the very design of the Cardano network will always defeat any claim that any pool operator makes on being 100% efficient at producing its scheduled allotment of blocks. It just won't and does not happen in the long run.

This is best illustrated using the commercial airline analogy. No airline can guarantee that all their flights will be realised regardless of weather conditions or mechanical failures. Not even the biggest airlines. But if you operate a single cessna and fly a couple of times a year to a destination then maybe you can claim a 100% success rate. But that would be a very small block producing operation.

In our case, as of the date of 28 August 2021, we have lost only one slot battle, won all the others we were involved with, and then lost only one other block which was lost when the network protocol was changed and affected all SPOs for a few epoch boundary changeovers.

So for the normal expected running of our block production we have produced every block we were assigned that was under our control apart from the one slot battle.


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