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12 September, 2021

Post Sale Management

Please fill the form in below so that we can start attaching the analog world of your bottle of rum to the digital world of their NFT doppelgänger!

This is where we start in the delivery of the bottle of RUM. We need to confirm that the person contacting us to redeem their coupon for a real world analog bottle of rum is the same person that owns the address where the Cardano Rum coupon is located.

The process is a two step process. In the first step we will ask you to submit the coupon to a unique address that will be attributed only to your bottle. Once we verify that the coupon came from the same address as indicated in the contact we will return send the final NFT certificate of title to the same address of origin of the coupon token.

In the second step we will have you fill in another form with the shipping address and take you along the payment process for the shipping costs. That step will be provided subsequent to the initial contact verification below.

FAQs regarding the sale of the Cardano NFT

Please follow the link below to explore some questions regarding the sale of the Cardano NFT

Click here for some of the FAQs


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